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Who are the Anthony Aston Players?

Motivated by love for the art of theatre, the Anthony Aston Players are dedicated to the promotion of the theatre arts at Wake Forest University. To this end, we seek to function as a service organization to the University Theatre, to provide students opportunities to develop skills, to participate in the production of theatre, and to promote high standards of theatre arts by recognizing outstanding work and dedication in the Wake Forest University Theatre.


So, what do we do?


In service to the Theater department, we help with things like Work Calls, which assist in all technical areas of putting together a show, and striking each show, which is disassembling the set and resetting the space. We assist with publicity, such as through Poster Calls, where we distribute posters around campus. We also help with fundraising and sell concessions for each mainstage show. 

Outside of our service to the theater department, we are a part of many theatrical productions each year, from our annual AAP show, to our Laugh Tracks sketch comedy in the spring, our Haunted Tunnels in the fall, and more!

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