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Who can join AAP?

EVERYONE!! AAP is open to anyone who wants be a part of this awesome theater community! There are no requirements to start attending AAP events; you don't have to be a Theatre major/minor, have been in a production before, or even seen a show.

Sounds great! How do I start?

The best way to find out what is going on at AAP is to come to one of our weekly meetings on Mondays at 4:00pm in the Ring Theater in the Scales Fine Arts Building! Check out more events to get involved with AAP here:


What does membership look like?

Your level of involvement with AAP is 100% up to you! If you want to help with the AAP show, or even just scare people in the Haunted Tunnels, but that's all you are interested in, that is totally fine! If you missed the first couple of meetings, or even the first semester, but want to see whats going on, swing by and see what we are up to. AAP is open to everyone, but there is also an official membership component; with enough involvement in the organization, you can submit an application to become a full member, which allows you to vote for our Executive Officers, apply to be an Officer, vote on our AAP show, and get discounts on AAP merch. However, without an official membership, you are still welcome to all AAP events. Find out more about full membership in the AAP Bylaws.

Any other questions?

Our exec members are here to help you find your place in the Anthony Aston Players, so please reach out with any questions you might have about the organization, our productions, or even just to say hi! 

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